Our mission is to help security teams globally better manage pentest projects and programs.

We’re passionate about simplifying and demystifying pentesting.

Our Journey So Far
Company of builders growing and innovating together to bring the platform that you need.
  1. 2014

    Boostraped product when running a consultancy delivering pentest services to organizations.

  2. 2018
    Launched Community

    Launched a light, accessible version of AttackForge to benefit students and amateur pentesters.

  3. 2019
    Enterprise Went Global

    AttackForge has paying customers on every continent (except Antarctica).

  4. 2021
    Launched Core

    Launched our first ever on-demand dedicated tenant platform - extending the global reach to Core.

  5. 2023
    Launched Version 2

    Released a major upgrade to Core and Enterprise built from the ground up.

Message From The Founders
Fil Filiposki
Fil Filiposki
Pentesting is broken. And we're working hard to fix it.

Pentesting is archaic and disconnected between Business, Technology and Security teams. Reports are manual, static, and delivered sometimes weeks after vulnerabilities are first discovered. Pentesters and Developers aren't collaborating. Pentesters are getting burned out. The disconnect and frustration between all parties is costing big - in wasted effort, wasted time and wasted costs.

We have built a platform and related technologies to fix these problems. To embrace the age of collaboration. To make communication, collaboration, transparency and reporting much easier, and eliminate many of the pain points for a typical pentest project.

Stas Filshtinskiy
Pentesting. Thrilling and Painful.

Being on both sides of pentesting is both thrilling and painful. It is thrilling to see the excitement when someone gets a shell on a server that is n-levels deep. But it's painful to see it happen time and time again, with the same attack from a decade ago.

It is thrilling when issues get fixed, and fast. But it's painful when developers have to wait weeks for a hundred page report, when only five pages are actually relevant to them. And most painful of all is when two of your friends - one a pentester and one a development lead - are arguing over a few vulnerabilities, weeks after the end of a pentest, and many weeks behind go-live deadline, whilst both being correct in their own right.

We see AttackForge as a place where everyone involved in penetration testing can get together and truly collaborate, set aside their differences and work towards the greater cause.

Stas Filshtinskiy
Reach Out
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions

Contact Us


AttackForge HQ

121 King StreetMelbourne, Australia, 3000

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